Saturday, January 22, 2011

Isaiah 26:3

"You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you"

I am leaning very heavily on this verse today. We have been here for 4 days now and I have felt sick on and off since Wednesday morning, JD has had headaches for 3 days, and now this morning, Makayla woke up with a headache and a fever. I really wish that I could say that despite all of this, I am doing well...but that is not the case today :( I am feeling very worn down and worn out. I didn't expect that this trip wouldn't have it's "hiccups", but I guess I didn't think they'd come so soon :( I know I sound like I am complaining.....and I am....I just need prayer today for my nerves and for healing for the kids and myself. Thankfully Joel, Joshua, and Bella don't seem to be sick and I pray that it stays that way.

I know that God has a perfectly good reason for things being this way and I know that there are lessons to be learned in even this. Please pray with me today that Joel and I will be able to look beyond all of the stresses of this moment and try to see the big picture.

I will give a better update later when I am not feeling so blah...

A Dios sea la gloria!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my friend, I feel your pain! We have had 3 now with fevers, coughs, and feeling blah since Wed. I took Anna Slay to the doc Fri. after 3 days of on again off again fevers, and a nasty cough. I was surprised when her flu test came back positive! We never get the flu!

    Benjamin was next, and then Samuel woke this morning with a fever. It seems that lots of rest and fluids are the best medicine. We will pray for you all to be well and enjoying your trip soon! We love you guys!


