Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day 5

Well, we've been here for 5 days. The past few days we haven't really done much. We've been battling coughs, headaches, & fevers :( I, personally, have been battling a bad attitude!!!! I know that so many of our friends and family have been praying for us and we are so grateful for each and every one of you!!! Despite all of the "yuckies" we've had some great family time playing games, just sitting out on the front porch talking, and watching movies. It has been nice to just spend this time together....even if we have been forced to because of not feeling well:)

I know my last post wasn't exactly the pinnacle of joy and contentment, but I was really beginning to feel down and very much like I wanted to pack up and go home. I know that sounds very drastic but it is just the truth. Joel and I were both very discouraged and struggling to keep our focus. This morning, as I was praying and getting ready for the day, I was listening to KLove (yay! for internet :) and a song came on with the words "With all my heart and with all my soul, with all I am, LORD I will follow you". I am not sure who sings it but I was completely convicted of my heart attitude in that moment. Who are we to act like we deserve comforts? Who are we to think that God should only ask us to do things that will be easy for us? Who are we to assume that someone else will do it?

We had a meeting today with some of the members of the Board that oversees the CSCR property. We were not sure what to expect but tried to have open hearts and minds. At the end of the meeting, Joel and I both came away feeling much more positive about things. It was a much needed breath of fresh air after a few days of struggling to breathe!!! Again, I know that sounds dramatic, but it is how we have been feeling. Joel and I will be going to Bible Study tomorrow night (there is a ladies' and a men's study that meet separately that we will be attending) and there is also a lady here in the condo complex that gives language lessons for free that I am going to check out on Tuesday morning. This will help to introduce us to more people that are ministering here in this city.

We are still not sure what God has for us here or even if this is where He wants us. We will spend the next few weeks making contacts and submerging ourselves into this culture as much as we can. Please pray for the kids as the past few days have been hard on them as well and it seems to have put a sour taste for living here in their mouths. Things are a lot different than what they are used to. Please pray that God will place the call on their hearts too if this is where He wants us to be.

A Dios sea la gloria!
Kelley (& Joel)

Here are some pictures of our condo...enjoy!!!!

Joel and the boys hanging out on the front porch.

The pool in the condo complex.

Bella doing dishes in the teeny tiny kitchen :)

Our "stove"!!!!

The kids watching a movie....this room is
about 15' long & 10' wide :) Very cozy!!!


  1. Wow, the boys' hair is SO LONG! :) So sorry to hear you had a rocky start to your trip -- hope the next 3 weeks are better and more importantly, filled with guidance from our Lord. Love you guys!

  2. Hey!

    I love how honest you are, Kelley. It is always a breath of fresh air for me. I wanted to give a scripture to you that God laid on my heart in the midst of all this change in our family's life.

    We sometimes don't understand what he is doing or where he will lead us. But I think you know that he is doing something big in your family's life right now. Whether it be to stay or go-there is change happening within your soul. Comfortable is out-God is testing your faith, security, and limits to reveal His glory through your family's life.

    Anyways-I have been holding on to this truth for the past month and wanted to pass it along to you-
    Isaiah 43:19 "Behold, I am doing a new thing, now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."

    Isn't that just exciting?? God is doing a new thing in you and your family. Know it and be comforted by it-even when it stretches you. Whatever the end result is-nothing is lost if you have allowed God to draw you near to him and do that new work in you!

    Love you,


    We miss yall already! You and Joel have been great mentors for Don and I.

  3. Hey Kel! I love that song too! It does help remind me that my life is all about glorifying Him! I think the name of the song is "Search my Heart" by Hillsong United. I hope you all are feeling better. We'll keep praying.


