Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Lists....I love making lists because then I get to check off the things that actually get done. There's no greater sense of accomplishment for me than to see that little piece of paper all covered in checks! So we've been making lists for our upcoming move....and it doesn't seem like very much is getting checked off :( We didn't realize how difficult it would be to plan this move. It's not like we can just call Mayflower and sit back....that would be nice.
There are some things that we have been able to get done though. We took all 4 kids to the passport office on the campus of UNCW last week to get their passport applications in and their pictures taken. Right now the wait is 4-6 weeks, so we should have them back in plenty of time. Makayla, our youngest who is 6, asked "so, we're ready to go to Costa Rica now,right?" It makes us laugh how simple she can make things seem.
We've been busy researching what this move will cost. (There's only a partial check by this one...it's being worked on, it's just not done yet :) Considering we're not taking any of our furniture, you would think it would be relatively easy....pack our clothes and get on the plane :) That would probably work with one or two people, but with six, it's a bit more difficult. The biggest issue we're having is how to get all of our home school stuff there. Those books can get heavy. The kids' answer.."just don't take them!" Hahaha, they crack us up :)
At this point, we have decided that we are not going to ship anything that has to go through customs....there's a chance we may not see it again :( So, we are on the hunt for suitcases! I went garage sale-ing last weekend and found 5 suitcases.....only 5 more to go! That's right, we will be taking 12 suitcases in all (we have 2 of our own). We are each allowed to check 2 bags through (up to 50 pounds each),one carry on, and one personal bag... what a sight we will be!!! So, in 12 suitcases, 6 carry on's, and 6 personal bags will be our "stuff". It will be a challenge but we'll have to make it all fit. Chances are we'll have to pay the airline extra for some of the bags that are over 50 pounds. But even that will work out to being cheaper than shipping it. It all seems very complicated right now, but I am sure when we look back on it (and the pictures of us all at the airport) we will have a good laugh.
So, we are getting things done, it just seems slow going at this point. We will keep you all updated as we are able to get more things done and our plans move forward. In the mean time, keep praying for us, we appreciate it greatly!!!
Update Blog.....check :)