What - Dinner, Raffle & Silent Auction
Where - Plantation Landing Clubhouse 342 Gaskins Lane Wilmington, NC 28411
When - Saturday October 10, 2009 7-9:30pm
Why - To share with others where God is leading us and to raise support to help get our family to Jaco, Costa Rica.
Cost - $8 per person (children 12 and under are free) includes dinner and enters you in the raffle (the Grand Prize is a $200 Gift Card to "Thrill of the Hunt").
We are so excited for the fundraiser this Saturday. Thank you to Amy Hunt and everyone who has been helping her plan this. What an awesome opportunity we will have to share with people what God has placed on our hearts. We hope to see many of you there!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Lists....I love making lists because then I get to check off the things that actually get done. There's no greater sense of accomplishment for me than to see that little piece of paper all covered in checks! So we've been making lists for our upcoming move....and it doesn't seem like very much is getting checked off :( We didn't realize how difficult it would be to plan this move. It's not like we can just call Mayflower and sit back....that would be nice.
There are some things that we have been able to get done though. We took all 4 kids to the passport office on the campus of UNCW last week to get their passport applications in and their pictures taken. Right now the wait is 4-6 weeks, so we should have them back in plenty of time. Makayla, our youngest who is 6, asked "so, we're ready to go to Costa Rica now,right?" It makes us laugh how simple she can make things seem.
We've been busy researching what this move will cost. (There's only a partial check by this one...it's being worked on, it's just not done yet :) Considering we're not taking any of our furniture, you would think it would be relatively easy....pack our clothes and get on the plane :) That would probably work with one or two people, but with six, it's a bit more difficult. The biggest issue we're having is how to get all of our home school stuff there. Those books can get heavy. The kids' answer.."just don't take them!" Hahaha, they crack us up :)
At this point, we have decided that we are not going to ship anything that has to go through customs....there's a chance we may not see it again :( So, we are on the hunt for suitcases! I went garage sale-ing last weekend and found 5 suitcases.....only 5 more to go! That's right, we will be taking 12 suitcases in all (we have 2 of our own). We are each allowed to check 2 bags through (up to 50 pounds each),one carry on, and one personal bag... what a sight we will be!!! So, in 12 suitcases, 6 carry on's, and 6 personal bags will be our "stuff". It will be a challenge but we'll have to make it all fit. Chances are we'll have to pay the airline extra for some of the bags that are over 50 pounds. But even that will work out to being cheaper than shipping it. It all seems very complicated right now, but I am sure when we look back on it (and the pictures of us all at the airport) we will have a good laugh.
So, we are getting things done, it just seems slow going at this point. We will keep you all updated as we are able to get more things done and our plans move forward. In the mean time, keep praying for us, we appreciate it greatly!!!
Update Blog.....check :)
There are some things that we have been able to get done though. We took all 4 kids to the passport office on the campus of UNCW last week to get their passport applications in and their pictures taken. Right now the wait is 4-6 weeks, so we should have them back in plenty of time. Makayla, our youngest who is 6, asked "so, we're ready to go to Costa Rica now,right?" It makes us laugh how simple she can make things seem.
We've been busy researching what this move will cost. (There's only a partial check by this one...it's being worked on, it's just not done yet :) Considering we're not taking any of our furniture, you would think it would be relatively easy....pack our clothes and get on the plane :) That would probably work with one or two people, but with six, it's a bit more difficult. The biggest issue we're having is how to get all of our home school stuff there. Those books can get heavy. The kids' answer.."just don't take them!" Hahaha, they crack us up :)
At this point, we have decided that we are not going to ship anything that has to go through customs....there's a chance we may not see it again :( So, we are on the hunt for suitcases! I went garage sale-ing last weekend and found 5 suitcases.....only 5 more to go! That's right, we will be taking 12 suitcases in all (we have 2 of our own). We are each allowed to check 2 bags through (up to 50 pounds each),one carry on, and one personal bag... what a sight we will be!!! So, in 12 suitcases, 6 carry on's, and 6 personal bags will be our "stuff". It will be a challenge but we'll have to make it all fit. Chances are we'll have to pay the airline extra for some of the bags that are over 50 pounds. But even that will work out to being cheaper than shipping it. It all seems very complicated right now, but I am sure when we look back on it (and the pictures of us all at the airport) we will have a good laugh.
So, we are getting things done, it just seems slow going at this point. We will keep you all updated as we are able to get more things done and our plans move forward. In the mean time, keep praying for us, we appreciate it greatly!!!
Update Blog.....check :)
Thursday, April 30, 2009
"Are we there yet????"
Patience has never been my strong suit....having said that I like to think that over the years I have learned to become more patient. Having 4 children has brought about levels of patience in myself that I never thought were possible! Home schooling those 4 children has revealed levels of patience that I did not even know existed! Yet here I am, dealing with impatience again.
So what am I so impatitent about? We have been home from Costa Rica for about 2 months. I have been busy with the kids' schooling and the every day things in life that seem to take up my time. We have also been getting a presentation ready to present to our Mission Committee at church....that was major work!!! Yet during it all, my mind keeps wondering "when are we going to be able to leave?" I feel like I am 6 years old again sitting in the back of my parent's car asking "are we there yet????" Don't get me wrong...I am not in a hurry to leave the friends and family we have here...just thinking about it makes me sad. I am just anxious to begin our new journey. We have spent so much time praying and talking about it, looking at the pictures over and over again, it already feels like home. So, in a way, I am homesick.
I keep going over Philippians 4:6,7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." So, every time I start to feel that little girls voice asking "are we there yet????" I pray and ask God to provide the people, who He has already ordained, to support us financially. Because that is what it will take to get us there. And because He is good and always keeps His word, I have total peace about it.
I'm still working on the patience thing though....
So what am I so impatitent about? We have been home from Costa Rica for about 2 months. I have been busy with the kids' schooling and the every day things in life that seem to take up my time. We have also been getting a presentation ready to present to our Mission Committee at church....that was major work!!! Yet during it all, my mind keeps wondering "when are we going to be able to leave?" I feel like I am 6 years old again sitting in the back of my parent's car asking "are we there yet????" Don't get me wrong...I am not in a hurry to leave the friends and family we have here...just thinking about it makes me sad. I am just anxious to begin our new journey. We have spent so much time praying and talking about it, looking at the pictures over and over again, it already feels like home. So, in a way, I am homesick.
I keep going over Philippians 4:6,7 "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." So, every time I start to feel that little girls voice asking "are we there yet????" I pray and ask God to provide the people, who He has already ordained, to support us financially. Because that is what it will take to get us there. And because He is good and always keeps His word, I have total peace about it.
I'm still working on the patience thing though....
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Pictures of Jaco
Here are some of the pictures of our trip to Costa Rica in February. I can't believe it has been almost two months since we have been back...I feel like I have left a piece of my heart there. It already feels like home....it's weird how that can happen. I hope you enjoy these pics as much as we do!!!
The shopping center where Radical Church (the Spanish church that works with CSCR) meets weekly.
The CSCR Property

Monday, April 13, 2009
Wow!!! I can't believe I'm blogging....
Well, this is the very first blog post I have ever done...I guess some would say that puts me waaayyy behind the times...they're probably right :) I am creating this blog so that we will be able to keep in touch with our family and friends while we will be living in Costa Rica. Some of you may be saying "You're moving to Costa Rica? Why are you moving to Costa Rica?" So, I will attempt to tell the story here for you all.
The past few years we have been living in North Carolina. From June 2005-June 2007 we were living in Cary. In June of 2007 we moved to Wilmington, where we live now. God has been working in our lives over the past years in many different ways. One of them is that He has turned our hearts towards World Missions. We have been praying for some time about how God could use our family and our specific talents for Him outside of our comfort zone of the United States. A few months ago, we came across a post on the Christian Surfers Costa Rica (CSCR) website that basically said that they needed a Property Manager for their property there. Those of you who know Joel know what a good fit this would be for him....fixing stuff, surfing, sharing God's word. It seemed to be too easy. Why do we do that? Why do we ask God for something specific and then doubt when He actually gives us what we have asked for? This will forever remain a mystery to me....
Anyway, we contacted CSCR and after a few months of emailing and praying, Joel and I decided it was time to make a trip down there to check it out. We asked God to make His will clear to us and had lots of people here praying the same thing (Thank you all!!!) God is good and He did give us clear direction. We came home knowing that Jaco, Costa Rica is where God wants our family right now. So what is in Jaco? Oh, and for those who are saying the "J" in Jaco with a hard "J" sound, you have failed Spanish 101. A "J" in Spanish is pronounced like an "H" in English. Whew, sorry, had to clear that up.
So, what is in Jaco? CSCR has been in Jaco since 2003. Their heart and mission is to reach out to the surf community of this growing beach town and introduce them to the gospel and get them plugged into the local church. CSCR has a property that they allow the local children to come on to and have a safe, protected place to play. They have built an awesome half-pipe (for skateboarding, just in case anyone didn't know what that is) and some of the local kids have become quite good. They have a bible study every Wednesday night and have seen tremendous growth in the lives of those who have come to a saving knowledge of God through this awesome ministry. You can check out their website www.christiansurferscostarica.com for more information on what they do and how they do it. When we move there, our family will be living on the CSCR property. This will allow the property to stay open more often so the children can come and intentionally be introduced to the gospel. Joel will be working to upkeep the property as well as coordinating work projects for when Missions Teams from around the world come in to work (so get your teams ready!) I will still be home schooling our kids. Once we get settled in, I will be starting up the Saturday morning story & craft time for the kids. They haven't been able to do this is quite some time so I am eager to get it going again. The most awesome thing is that our whole family will be able to minister in Jaco. We asked God for a place where our gifts and talents could be used and He led us straight to Jaco!
We are so excited for what lies ahead for our family and the ministry of CSCR. We hope that you will continue to check this blog out and come along on this journey with us. As soon as I figure out how to do it, I will post pictures from our trip there in February. Please pray with us that all the details will fall into place, that our support will come in, and that we will be able to stick with our end-of-June timeline to move to Jaco.
A Dios sea la gloria!
The past few years we have been living in North Carolina. From June 2005-June 2007 we were living in Cary. In June of 2007 we moved to Wilmington, where we live now. God has been working in our lives over the past years in many different ways. One of them is that He has turned our hearts towards World Missions. We have been praying for some time about how God could use our family and our specific talents for Him outside of our comfort zone of the United States. A few months ago, we came across a post on the Christian Surfers Costa Rica (CSCR) website that basically said that they needed a Property Manager for their property there. Those of you who know Joel know what a good fit this would be for him....fixing stuff, surfing, sharing God's word. It seemed to be too easy. Why do we do that? Why do we ask God for something specific and then doubt when He actually gives us what we have asked for? This will forever remain a mystery to me....
Anyway, we contacted CSCR and after a few months of emailing and praying, Joel and I decided it was time to make a trip down there to check it out. We asked God to make His will clear to us and had lots of people here praying the same thing (Thank you all!!!) God is good and He did give us clear direction. We came home knowing that Jaco, Costa Rica is where God wants our family right now. So what is in Jaco? Oh, and for those who are saying the "J" in Jaco with a hard "J" sound, you have failed Spanish 101. A "J" in Spanish is pronounced like an "H" in English. Whew, sorry, had to clear that up.
So, what is in Jaco? CSCR has been in Jaco since 2003. Their heart and mission is to reach out to the surf community of this growing beach town and introduce them to the gospel and get them plugged into the local church. CSCR has a property that they allow the local children to come on to and have a safe, protected place to play. They have built an awesome half-pipe (for skateboarding, just in case anyone didn't know what that is) and some of the local kids have become quite good. They have a bible study every Wednesday night and have seen tremendous growth in the lives of those who have come to a saving knowledge of God through this awesome ministry. You can check out their website www.christiansurferscostarica.com for more information on what they do and how they do it. When we move there, our family will be living on the CSCR property. This will allow the property to stay open more often so the children can come and intentionally be introduced to the gospel. Joel will be working to upkeep the property as well as coordinating work projects for when Missions Teams from around the world come in to work (so get your teams ready!) I will still be home schooling our kids. Once we get settled in, I will be starting up the Saturday morning story & craft time for the kids. They haven't been able to do this is quite some time so I am eager to get it going again. The most awesome thing is that our whole family will be able to minister in Jaco. We asked God for a place where our gifts and talents could be used and He led us straight to Jaco!
We are so excited for what lies ahead for our family and the ministry of CSCR. We hope that you will continue to check this blog out and come along on this journey with us. As soon as I figure out how to do it, I will post pictures from our trip there in February. Please pray with us that all the details will fall into place, that our support will come in, and that we will be able to stick with our end-of-June timeline to move to Jaco.
A Dios sea la gloria!
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